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Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel specifications,features,overviews and price deatials.You will have to get a full and detailed structure of Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel.
TOP SPEED have been equipped with some rare and High resolution wallpapers of the Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel.
Ford Figo has won truly a lot of titles and awards for Ford in India. It provide a good small car option from Ford India’s stable which was missing up to early last year.
Nissan Micra is another practical small car from Nissan which has created some demeanor for Nissan in Indian small car market. Although Nissan is facing low sales numbers mainly because of the pricing of the contest cars is more forceful compared to Micra. Nissan Micra looks more round around the corners and overall and gives a adorable appearance. On the other hand, Ford Figo has a sharp styling and more triangular and pointed design language. Both looks pleasing in appearance. Micra looks charming with its retro like talisman while Figo looks more advanced with sharp features.
Nissan Micra Dimensions :
Length = 3780mm; Width = 1665mm; Height = 1525mm;
Ford Figo Dimensions :
Length = 3795mm; Width = 1680mm; Height = 1453mm;
Figo is taller and wider than Micra so gives more space in width and has slightly lessen seating position relative to Micra. The Micra on the other hand is a tall boy with higher seating height and more headroom.The engine of Figo is slightly more powerful and lively, but mileage is where Micra takes on Figo. Nissan Micra claims to have 23 KMPL mileage per litre of Diesel which is best in class. So it’s a exchange, if you want more power, you have to compromise with mileage and vice-e-versa.
Nissan Engine / Transmission | Ford Figo Engine / Transmission | 1.2 Duratec Petrol EXI | 1.2 Duratec Petrol ZXI | 1.2 Duratec Petrol Titanium | 1.4 Duratorq Diesel LXI | 1.4 Duratorq Diesel EXI | 1.4 Duratorq Diesel ZXI | 1.4 Duratorq Diesel Titanium |
K9K – 4 Cylinder | 4 Cylinder | 1196 | 1196 | 1196 | 1399 | 1399 | 1399 | 1399 |
1461 CC CRDI Engine | 1399 CC CRDI Engine | 16V DOHC | 16V DOHC | 16V DOHC | 8V SOHC | 8V SOHC | 8V SOHC | 8V SOHC |
Max Power – 63 BHP @ 4000 RPM | Max Power – 68 BHP @ 4000 RPM | SEFI | SEFI | SEFI | Common Rail | Common Rail | Common Rail | Common Rail |
Max Torque – 160 Nm @ 2000 RPM | Max Torque – 160 Nm @ 2000 RPM | 71 (52.4) @ 6,250 | 71 (52.4) @ 6,250 | 71 (52.4) @ 6,250 | 69 (50.7) @ 4,000 | 69 (50.7) @ 4,000 | 69 (50.7) @ 4,000 | 69 (50.7) @ 4,000 |
5 Speed Manual transmission | 5 Speed Manual transmission | 102(10.4) @ 4,000 |
Tags:Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel for sale,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel evolution car,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel parts,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel overview,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel specifications,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel highspeed,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel colours,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel prices,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel wallpapers,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel mileage,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel pictures,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel review, Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel user's view, Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel interior details, Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel exterior details,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel launch date,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel specs,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel engine,Comparison between Ford Figo Diesel and Nissan Micra Diesel in india,
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